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SIMS Shenanigans

We all either love or hate the game, but wherever you stand, you can always appreciate the milestones!

Like climbing Mt. Komorebi and standing atop of the world.

Or keeping your demon spawn away from sus Thanksgiving gnomes

You and the Grim Reaper can chill with some hookah...

Or you can make love to the guy... He probably needs it

Though he may ignore you entirely if he's in the mood for a little relaxation instead

We've talked a little about how SIMS can be adventurous...

but how can it help YOU?

In SIMS, you can take the weight of the world off your shoulders and get on top of it instead

Or you can spend your last days doing what you love, because fuck restrictions...

Like discovering your ancestry:

In conclusion, this simulated life game has been shown to reduce depression, increase creativity, and SIMply entertain.

So no matter who on earth you are,
Or what you look like...

What kind of kid you birth,
Or where TF you're from...

...You can now take that hiking trip you've been meaning to do for the last 3 years!!

You may now be asking, "Where do I start?"... like these chickens do:

But in all reality, there's no where better to start than the beginning!
Because truthfully, the whole game is FIRE!


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